We need information like this. My husband "transitioned" in 1996 and the therapists I met were feeding into this fantasy of utopia. He worked in tech and that had its own version of making everything better through technology. He went from thinking he'd "get a man" with his new body (finding the diaries with that delusion was my moment of discovery), to supporting a younger woman and paying off her college debt. Our two sons were props to his drama. The shrinks got it all wrong, and they're the ones who sold this expensive script to Hollywood, for their own fame and fortune.

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Excellent. Puberty blockers as force fields to hold back the future, stave off adulthood, freeze you in time pre-responsibilities, grown up disappointments. Gender non- conforming is the cover story, temporal non- accepting is closer to it. Turns fear of growing up from a failure to a virtue, heroic.

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Gender ideology is Peter Pan syndrome on steroids, and yet somehow worse.

Anyone who has ever endured bullying has wished to change themselves. I recall thinking "if only I wasn't so ugly and weird, people would like me" many times. Imagine if they had offered me the Magic of Trans. Suddenly, I wouldn't be a weird, unpretty girl, I would be a sparkly and special Rainbow Trans Boy. What unhappy kid wouldn't be tempted?

A peculiar version of ageism comes into play, at least for the autogynephilic middle-aged men who identify as teenage girls. I've not heard of any middle-aged trans-identified females identifying as teenage boys, although there is one odious TIF who identifies as a male toddler.

I honestly don't care if a middle-aged man wants to dress in stereotypically feminine clothing. To a point, I don't care if he wants to undergo procedures to make himself appear more feminine, so long as he is not demanding that others believe he really can become a woman and so long as he and his trouser snake are not invading women's changing rooms.

I do care about the affirmation dogma targeting vulnerable children and adolescents who think their lives will be made magically wonderful by puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and surgical procedures to remove healthy body parts. People really need to start listening to detransitioners and others who regret riding the fast track to Trans Land.

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Mar 2, 2023Liked by Tree

Excellent. Thank you! Have you read apocalypse never?

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Something I've observed that chimes very much with what you've written here is that today's trans movement is in many ways an anti-sex movement:

- AGP men are largely giving up any possibility of a loving relationship with a woman in favor of an autoerotic relationship with themselves (often abandoning their wife and family to do so).

- Non-binary is mainly about young women wishing to be seen as sexless and dressing in a way so as to avoid displaying any secondary sexual characteristics and escape the male gaze. Androgyny as a desexualising protective shield.

- Kids who go on puberty blockers before they start puberty followed by opposite-sex hormones and SRS surgery are rendered anorgasmic. (Marci Bowers: "Every single child who was truly blocked at Tanner stage 2 [9-11 years old] has never experienced orgasm.")

- Adult men who have their penises refashioned into neovaginas likewise largely render themselves anorgasmic (and obviously infertile)

- Trans-identified women who have mastectomies are removing a part of their body involved in sexuality and child-rearing, and also lose sensation in their nipples. They're nullifying an erogenous zone and negating the possibility of breastfeeding a future child.

- The climate in schools and among young people is such that LGB children are socially incentivized to come out as trans rather than gay. Why? Because gay is seen as being about sex while trans is seen as being about identity. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-11729001/What-like-pupil-today-trans-hysteria-grips-schools-One-14-year-old-girl-speaks-out.html "Out of 200 students in my year, at least 20 say they’re trans — almost all are girls claiming to be boys or non-binary. Although there is one boy saying he’s a girl, this really is largely about girls saying they are boys. The kids in my year don’t say they are lesbian or gay, because those words are thought to be an insult."

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This is profound. I think you’re really getting at the core of this phenomenon. Add to this the fact that most people my age and younger (I’m mid/late twenties) are chronically depressed and anxious since or before puberty due to early social media use, which is how the problems of the world are presented as blown up giants standing in the path of peace and happiness, impossible to overcome, and you can see how so many young people are drawn to a movement that is utopian on one side of the coin and nihilist on the other.

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This is a very insightful view of the psychological mechanisms underlying this defense. Similar patterns of not wanting to grow up and assume adult roles are evident in anorexia. The current Trans craze offers an easily justifiable route to Utopia. Too bad it is an illusion. Energy would be better spent in solving some of our real problems.

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thanks for this, and thanks for speaking from your experience. I resonate deeply with what you are saying having noticed how with the rise of the industrial age into the machine age we are having a harder and harder time grieving our transition into adulthood and loss of innocence. In my generation most of my peers were anorexic or bulimic. I was spared because i was dealing with the death of my parents which gave me a different perspective on what what was "meaningful", death bringing every thing into to a much sharper focus and I as a result have mourned the loss of our traditional initiation ceremonies for the young teen, I have an inkling that this is extremely vital for helping ground us and sink into the potential of our power in the growing and developing body.

I have also seen that ever since the investment in the industrial prison industry topped out in its growth profits about 15 years ago, how that maniacal and evil arm of the empire has started pouring its intentions into the medical market and especially the trans gender "market". I believe a transitioning teen can be worth about 1.2 million in their life time if they preform and go through all the hoops that big pharm and big science want them to so that they can fully capitalise on their returns. Its disgusting and evil and fills me full of despair and hopelessness.

And I see how we are also being guided to focus on creating a future that we long for.

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Your story - and your perspective on the deeper problem- is monumentally important. Thank you very much for sharing it, which I imagine was a very painful thing to do.

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Very insightful piece you’ve written. I’d add that, in addition to the lure of Utopia, there’s a martyrdom aspect of being trans that lends meaning to their lives.

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'neoteny' is a great word and an important one for this discussion

by any chance have you read the novel the Tin Drum by Gunter Grass? its hero is sort of the ur trans child - he physically maims himself to avoid having to grow up and be part of the corrupt adult world

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Heroes don't irrevocably mutilate and sterilize kids.

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Yep. The idea being sold to feminist-sympathetic boys is that there is a way to avoid joining the ranks of adult cis men whose presence in society is seen as dystopic.

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Beautiful writing. Fun read. Self-reflection is healthy, and frighteningly rare. This one’s done well, but people be sleeping on the other stuff smh.

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Great piece

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Very thoughtful interesting observations. I have often wondered about these same facets - asking to what degree is the despair of the young facing a society of meaninglessness, war and disintegration a large factor in all of this?

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