Apr 27, 2022·edited Apr 28, 2022Pinned

I want to clarify one thing I touched on in this piece. The ideology I was exposed to was circling on extreme-left tumblr circa 2015. The people saying "kill all men", "I wish men didn't exist", or similar were often (but not always) teenagers, college activists, or in moments of emotional distress. Some of the most vociferous advocates of these positions were trans women. I’m not an anti-feminist; I think that, especially in the face of the modern trans movement, feminists standing up for women's sex-based rights are doing something important. I just want everyone to understand that when this rhetoric is tossed around, devoid of nuance, it can be harmful to both young men and young women. To many autistic teenagers, men voluntarily making themselves eunuchs and women taking steroids and removing their breasts seems like a logical response to the narrative that human biology makes men inherent oppressors and women inherent victims. The radical feminist movement is the source of this message. I think the important work of fighting for women's rights can and should be done without spreading this harmful ideology to children and demonizing men.

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Apr 26, 2022Liked by Tree

I read this with my lovely, sensitive 13 year-old son in mind. With ALL children in mind. Any adult that facilitates or condones the 'transition' of a child has forgotten what it is to be a child, never truly engaged with a child, or...has malign intent. I used to think Feminism was tiresome and didn't give it the time of day. These days I think it's malevolent. I'm so very very sorry you met not one adult, it seems, who just said, NO. And from me, a woman, to you, a man, men are every bit as 'good' and every bit as 'bad' and as everything-in-between, as women. The men I know are wonderful, and life would have been a lot less rich without them. The world NEEDS men.

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I have read many detransition stories. Yours is one of the most moving. I just want to give you a hug for having been led down this path. Thank you for sharing this. Your voice is helping many families, be assured. I’m wishing you hope and healing.

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Apr 26, 2022Liked by Tree

Thank you for sharing. Your story is powerful. Looking forward to reading more of your thoughts and experience.

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Apr 26, 2022·edited Apr 26, 2022Liked by Tree

I'm so horrified at what these liars, the doctors who acted as if they were "helping" you, did when you went to them in pain. Horrified and angry.

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Thank you for sharing your story and your pain so poignantly. Please keep on writing, you have such a powerful voice.

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Apr 27, 2022Liked by Tree

You are now a prophet. A truth teller in a time that cries out for prophets. You have assumed a great mantle of much weight and substance. Your true and spiritual greatness is here displayed. With free wills and rational minds that grasp universals that transcend and order the material world, we are spiritual beings with a material side, not material beings with a spiritual side. Your spirit roars sir and like knights of old you engage the destroyers all around us. You are heroic and a man. There is a Spirit at the core of being Who is Truth and Justice and Mercy . You are on His team and a much valued member. Again, thank you. May we all be inspired anew by your brave integrity and leadership. We are more than the sum of our parts.

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My goodness. You've articulated this so well. I wish we as a society had done our job, firstly by not allowing the conditions where you felt so alone, and secondly by not pressing the tools for self-harm into your hands and telling you it was the only solution. I very much hope that things get better for you and wish you well.

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Hi, thanks for sharing part of your story. I think we could do with hearing more from young men who transitioned/detransitioned.

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Thank you Tree, for your courage, clarity, and brutal honesty. I know the damage cannot be undone, but may you grow new and beautiful branches through your words and your voice.

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Apr 27, 2022Liked by Tree

Thank you. What drove you to transition is what is driving so many of our sons. I am so very sorry. Your courage to share means so much.

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Thank you for sharing your story. That must've been so difficult to write. Many of the triggers you mentored rang true with me. My story is different to yours, but there are similarities. I'm worried about this for my own child who also fits the bill. Thank you for your bravery and speaking out. ♥️

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thank you. this is moving (and frightening).

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The clarity and directness with which you speak is a gift. Something has been lost, but I am praying these wounds are healed for you, in ways no one can yet understand, and that in the meantime your voice strengthens. May you find completeness in unexpected but beautiful ways.

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Apr 27, 2022Liked by Tree

Psychiatry and Psychology have become full of crazy doctors. Instead of "first do no harm", they create harm. Rather than embracing reality, they encourages fantacy.

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Apr 27, 2022·edited Apr 27, 2022Liked by Tree

I am so angry for you! This is so well written and I so look forward to learning more of your story. I wonder if your mother will ever speak out? We must stop pretending people can change sex!

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